SHA-512 belongs to the SHA-2 group algorithm and a progressed form of SHA-1 Hash. Since, SHA-2 is widely used in security applications of progressing countries like the USA, UK, and other countries, it has security protocols like SSL, TLS, PGP, S/MIME, SSH, and IPsec. Here, you can have a basic knowledge about what truly occurs at the time of the implementation of SHA-512 hashing algorithm. SHA-512 is a very close advancement to the SHA-256 hashing algorithm that performs an advanced hashing function on some increased bytes of input data.
Unlike other Hashing algorithms, SHA-512 is used in many cases like digital certificates, internet security, bitcoin, and blockchains, etc. SHA-512 plays a crucial role in the digital security control and cryptography system, with some simple calculations.
Unlike other hashing functions, SHA-512 takes some input data and produces an output of fixed length as per input data. This output data could be named as hash digest and it needs to satisfy some specific conditions.
Since the length of the SHA-512 output hash function output is of a fixed span and the input size may change, it is obvious that there are some output values that can be gained for various input data. The output values are recommended to be fixed length. So, for instance, an SHA - 512 hashing function could provide an output size of 512 bit and output can vary as per bit size hash function.
Simply speaking, this means that there aren’t any or rather it is not feasible to find two distinct inputs to the hash function that result in the same output (hash digest). What are the Stages of the SHA-512 Hashing Algorithm? SHA-512 performs its function in the following stages.
SHA-512 has some limitations in taking any size of the input message. The complete formatted message has mainly 3 parts: the original message, size of the original message and padding bits. The message needs to be multiple of 1024 bits and each block needs to be of 1024 bits.
The input message is accepted and some padding bits are added to it for the purpose of fitting to the desired length. The bits for padding are simply come as ‘0’ bits with an initial ‘1’ (100000…000).
The total size of the original message needs to be multiples of 128 bits i.e. 1024 bits and hence, there is a definite limitation range of input message size.
The SHA-512 algorithm functions in a way where it acts on every block of 1024 bits from the original message throughout the result from the preceding block. Now, this creates a problem for the 1st 1024 bit block which is unable to use the result obtained from any preceding function. However, this issue can be resolved through a default value to be utilized for the first block to start off the function.
Message processing depends upon the formatted input block of 1024 bits at once and every 64 bits out of them will be processed as ‘Message sequencer’. The message processing occurs with numbers of rounds and each round takes 3 things such as a Word, the output of the preceding round, and an SHA-512 constant. As 1st round doesn’t come with a previous Round and thus it utilizes the final output from the preceding message dispensation phase in a preceding block of 1024 bits. SHA-512 constants are predestined values that are used for each Round in the message dispensation phase.
After each block of 1024 bits proceeds through the message dispensation phase the final 512 bit Hash value could be obtained. Hope the readers must have better knowledge on SHA-512 integration.